Lesson series

Progressing Skateboarding

Completed the Beginner Course? Learn the required skills to join the ramp or street skating pathway
or free access when you order your Beginner Grading Pack
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Why this Skateboarding course?

  • 4 Chapters
  • 7 Skills

Learn What's Important

Learn the basics that are required to start focusing on ramp or street skating.
How to turn, and how to apply this to do basic ramp, and ledge skills.

Learn by Example

We have 7 skills to work through. When complete, you'll be able to move onto more advanced ramp and street skills.
Meet the instructor

Stuart Hopper

Stuart has been skateboarding for 25 years and started the school of skate in London in 2017. Stuart prefers to skate transition, but still enjoys trying to flip the board on the flat on occasion. He's got his own mini ramp, which he'd never be off if he had the chance. He's interested in helping learners understand how to put basic skills together to take it to the next level..
Patrick Jones - Course author
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